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President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet

The President's Cabinet includes senior university leaders and serves in an advisory capacity to the president. Members of the cabinet also serve on the President's Council.

Photo of Whit Babcock
Whit Babcock, Director of Athletics
Photo of Cyril Clarke
Cyril Clarke, Executive Vice President and Provost
Photo of Lance Collins
Lance Collins, Vice President and Executive Director of the Innovation Campus
Photo of Mike Friedlander
Michael Friedlander, Vice President for Health Sciences and Technology
Photo of Bryan Garey
Bryan Garey, Vice President for Human Resources
Photo of Kay Heidbreder
Kay Heidbreder, University Legal Counsel
Photo of Frances Keene, interim vice president of Virginia Tech Student Affairs, posing outside and smiling
Frances Keene, Vice President for Student Affairs
Photo of Sharon Kurek
Sharon Kurek, Vice President for Audit, Risk, and Compliance and Chief Risk Officer
Photo of Elizabeth McClanahan
Elizabeth McClanahan, CEO, Virginia Tech Foundation
Kim O'Rourke stands outside in front of a tree in early fall wearing a short-sleeved blouse.
Kim O'Rourke, Vice President for Policy and Governance, Secretary to the Board of Visitors
Headshot of Mark Owczarski in a suit and standing in front of a wall of Hokie Stone.
Mark Owczarski, Interim Vice President of Communications and Marketing
Photo of Charlie Phlegar
Charlie Phlegar, Senior Vice President for Advancement
Photo of Menah Pratt-Clarke
Menah Pratt, Vice President for Inclusive Strategy and Excellence
Julia Ross, dean of the College of Engineering, posing outside and smiling.
Julie Ross, Dean of the College of Engineering and Special Advisor to the President
Photo of Dean Saonee Sarker
Saonee Sarker, Dean of Pamplin College of Business, Council of Deans Representative
Amy Sebring, wearing a suit, leans against a stone wall and smiles with a hand on her hip.
Amy Sebring, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Photo of Dan Sui
Dan Sui, Senior Vice President and Chief Research and Innovation Officer
Headshot of Lisa Wilkes wearing a business suit and leaning against a pillar indoors with her hand on her hip.
Lisa Wilkes, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Special Assistant to the President
Photo of Chris Yianilos
Chris Yianilos, Vice President for Government and Community Relations